When Christmas time was drawing near
His folks said, “This is Johnny’s year!
We’ll throw a party this December.
A party that he’ll long remember.

We’ll have a gift for every friend
No matter what we have to spend.”
And so they went into the city
Buying things they thought were pretty,

And things to make the party bright
for John, their son, it must be right.
Presents – lots for girls and boys,
Silly hats and Tonka toys.

Little dolls and dolly houses,
GI Joes and Micky Mouses.
Piggy banks and modeling clay.
And many little games to play.

Candy canes and chocolate squares.
Stuffed giraffes and Teddy Bears.
All these things and many more
All were brought home from the store.

And then each one was wrapped with care
For all the kiddies who’d be there.
The question then was where to stow
All the gifts so John wouldn’t know?

They wanted a place that would be safe
From the prying eyes of the little waif.
And so to keep him unaware
They selected the closet beneath the stair.

But they failed to lock that closet door
When they made a trip to the grocery store
Well, peeking in beneath the stair
Johnny saw the presents there.

And thinking that it would be fun
He ripped them open one by one.
His folks returned from where they’d shopped
To see the last torn wrapping dropped.

They watched little Johnny laugh and shout
As he scattered all the toys about’
Poor Momma cried in her despair.
And his father staggered to a chair.

But darling John paid little heed
And continued with his great misdeed.
Well, kids who cheat at Christmas time
Can expect to pay for that sort of crime

And as deserved, our Johnny paid
For in his little room he stayed
While presents went to the girls and boys
But for Rotten John – tough stuff- no toys’